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Officer Who Shot Unarmed Cincinnati Man Is Free On Bail22
FAKE STORY: The Seahawks Canceled Russel Wilson’s $84 Million Extension21
July 16, 2015Suicide. That’s bull*ish and everybody knows it! That’s the blanket “cover all” excuse the authorities and police use when someone ‘mysteriously” dies in their custody. Now from what I...
July 13, 2015Well here is a spin on police brutality that is quite shocking. Alabama police pepper sprayed an unarmed man to death. They had to have used alot of pepper...
July 12, 2015When it comes to sports betting, there's nothing quite like the thrill of live betting. 라이브배팅 (Live betting) platforms provide a wide range of betting options, allowing you to bet on various aspects of the game, including the outcome, goals, points, and more.
July 12, 2015I’m kinda salty. A racist white chick asked a question heavily laced with sarcasm; “How many black people died over the 4th of July weekend because of the Confederate...
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