Blessings on blessings on blessings

Hello everybody it’s your favorite prison wife back again to tell you all how grateful I am; not only to you the readers but to those who even pass...

Hello everybody it’s your favorite prison wife back again to tell you all how grateful I am; not only to you the readers but to those who even pass by this blog, just know I appreciate you all. I’ve had some time to sit and reflect on all of the opportunities that have come my way because of my writing and I’m humbled. I’ve been approached by numerous blog magazines and other authors to contribute in many different ways and I’m amazed by the positivity I’ve seen. This literary world is very strange and also beautiful in many different ways. I’ve seen lots of authors sign up to publishers with the promise of great exposure only to find out they were thrown to the wolves so to speak when it came down to the publishers holding up their end of the bargain. I too have felt the sting of “First time signing”. I was super excited and went in with my eyes closed. I was in such a hurry to get our book out there that I didn’t research anything I just jumped for the first one that sounded like it was a sweet deal. I talked it over with my co-author and everything but I still went for the first one that said what I believe I wanted to hear at the time. I didn’t realize how much work went into promoting and trying to build a brand. I was very naïve to the entire situation. But I learned very fast that paperwork and numbers (sales) weren’t adding up according to my co-author. He looked over every detail of the contract we signed and looked over the pages they sent him of what our earnings were and he was upset. Needless to say he let them know how he felt and asked them repeatedly to explain how the numbers didn’t add up and instead of answering him they acted very unprofessionally and as a result our contract was terminated. I’m happy that happened because it taught us what to look for and how to stay on top of our work. We appreciate the start we were given through our previous publisher and we truly admire the hard work and energy our new publisher puts in to her work. So many doors have been opened for us through working with Life after death publicationz. I’ve completed a story in The ink master’s street lit report anthology along with 4 other talented women authors. Both books are available on Amazon in e-book and paperback.

Thanks for reading



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