Know Your Worth
  • Staying hopeful

    What does it means to be hopeful? To hope is to live life with the anticipation and confidence of what you will like your life to be. Its having dreams or a vision for your life and truly believing that it is going to happen. When things are going...
  • Sisterly Yours: Don’t Compare!

    Do you ever find yourself looking at others and secretly wishing that you had their life?  Wanting to be something or someone that you were not meant to be?  That can do more harm than good. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. Neither one strives to be like the...
  • Sisterly Yours: Being Responsible to Self

    As we go through life we find that we become responsible for more and more as we mature.  Responsibility goes beyond bills and work.  We start to realize that our word is our bond and what we speak out to others they will look at us and see if we...
  • Sisterly Yours: Letting off some Steam

    We have all had days that it just never seems to end.  If it were not for sanity you would have none at all!  Frustration sometimes shows and others sometimes have a tendency to say. “go and let off some steam’.  We all have days.  Some days seem to...
  • Sisterly Yours with Lady Blue

    In the light of everything that has happened in the past few days, I choose not to focus on the negative. My heart and deepest condolences goes out to the families of all that fell victim to the senseless gun violence that has taken place over the last few...
  • The Motivating Millennials: Ade Wesley - Penn State University Graduate Earns Three Degrees

      It is not every day that we get the chance to say something wonderful about one another.  In today’s society it is seldom that we read about our children’s amazing accomplishments.  In this series titled, The Motivating Millennials, we take a brief look into the lives of some of...
  • Sisterly Yours with Lady Blue

    When you woke up this morning did you stop and say thank you?  When is the last time you took the time to count your blessings? That moment between the deep breath and opening your eyes is the quiet moment that you come into focus.  Before the calendar in...
  • Mrs. Ernestine Shepherd: At 80 Years Old The Oldest Living Female Body Builder

    At 80 years old, Mrs. Ernestine Shepherd is in much better shape than most people several years younger.  Declared in the Guiness Book of World Records as the oldest living female body builder, Mrs. Shepherd’s day begins at 3:00 a.m. Every morning. Beginning with scripture reading and prayer, the...
  • Sisterly Yours with Lady Blue

    Why do I post positive inspiration? Is it because I need help? Is it because I wish to help someone else or is it just to be on the bandwagon? Well here’s my spin on it. I feel the need for positive inspiration because of the years of negativity...
  • Sisterly Yours with Lady Blue

    In the past week there have been some incredibly horrific incidents that have happened here in the US.  I am sure that all who read this know of those incidents that involved a 2 year-old boy and the mass night club shooting. I want to take this time to...
  • Sisterly Yours with Lady Blue

    Your tired, you don’t feel like it and you just want to quit! Something inside you says keep going.  You don’t know where it is coming from but it drives you and even sometimes frustrates you.  You ask questions like,  why me or is this all really worth it?...
  • Sisterly Yours …

    In today’s social media, most will find themselves checking their popularity by how many likes and shares they get on certain posts.  The posts could be of little to no value but the bigger the likes the better they feel. Basing your status in life on a like button...
  • Sisterly Yours with Lady Blue

    You have heard the saying fake it till you make it right?  How many times have you done that just to get by?  What was the result when you finished? The ultimate question is….Do you know how to be just you? Sometimes that “fakeness” adds a layer of something...
  • Sisterly Yours with Lady Blue

    Morning!  As a mother of four beautiful kids I often sit back and wonder what life looks like thru their eyes!  The wonder in a child’s eyes as they are growing and experiencing the world will often make you reminisce on your own childhood. My youngest child often sits...
  • Sisterly Yours with Lady Blue

    You have heard it before, stop complaining!  Complaining never solves a situation, it only prolongs it!  Sometimes just the smallest thing can stir up a frenzy in you that others may need to watch out for!  It’s not fair, why did this have to happen to me, I should...
  • Sisterly Yours with Lady Blue

    I was thinking the other day that some days are just harder than others.  I mean, the day to day trudge is tiresome and burdensome and will wear you out!  You feel as if the world is coming at you from all sides and that you have nowhere to...
  • Sisterly Yours with Lady Blue

    You can do anything you put your heart, mind and soul into.  Far more than you can imagine.  Be Fearless    LL Cool J Confidence is a beautiful thing.  You can be bold and live outside the box!  In that beauty you can see who you are!  Your size,...

  • Sisterly Yours with Lady Blue

    A friend of mine said something that has stuck and it goes like this:   I may go thru a thousand and 1 feelings in a day - but the best feeling is waking up to a brand new day.   Linea Neal Life comes at you at 100...
  • First-Graders Help With Teacher’s Wedding Proposal: “I Was Shocked!”

    Surrounded by her class of Global Education Academy 2 first grade students, Jennifer Lai was proposed to by her boyfriend Samuel Nalbandian, in Los Angeles. “I was shocked…I really am impressed that none of the students blabbed. When I’ve told them secrets in the past, they’re running around the...

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