VMA’s : Nicki Minaj Snapped At Miley Cyrus

A week or so ago, Nicki Minaj criticized the VMA’s for only acknowledging women with slim bodies. Her displeasure was aimed at a system that fails in diversity. However,...

A week or so ago, Nicki Minaj criticized the VMA’s for only acknowledging women with slim bodies. Her displeasure was aimed at a system that fails in diversity. However, her comments were taken as a shot at America’s sweetheart, Taylor Swift.

Miley Cyrus added her two cents in the pot during an interview with the New York Times:

If you do things with an open heart and you come at things with love, you would be heard and I would respect your statement. But I don’t respect your statement because of the anger that came with it.

And it’s not anger like, “Guys, I’m frustrated about some things that are a bigger issue.”

You made it about you. Not to sound like a bitch, but that’s like, “Eh, I didn’t get my V.M.A.”

If you want to make it about race, there’s a way you could do that. But don’t make it just about yourself. Say: “This is the reason why I think it’s important to be nominated. There’s girls everywhere with this body type.”

Cyrus continued on:

What I read sounded very Nicki Minaj, which, if you know Nicki Minaj is not too kind. It’s not very polite. I think there’s a way you speak to people with openness and love. You don’t have to start this pop star against pop star war…

These comments are what led to Nicki’s snap at Miley last night. As black people, it’s beginning to seem like we are not supposed to recognize when we are being mistreated or discriminated against. That’s that old piss in my face and tell me it’s raining mindset of mainstream America. “Oh, that’s not what that means, you’re understanding it wrong.” Naw, it is what it is. If MTV wasn’t so biased, we would have never had to create BET.

I’m in love with Nicki Minaj, so I’m rockin wit her all day long. But I couldn’t help but notice how Miley appeared to be, as the ladies say it, “unbothered” by Nicki’s outburst. Miley flipped her braids and kept it movin’…



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