Greetings Kings and Queens, I was cleaning out my old, old, email came across this joke. I thought I would share this with you. Laughter helps beat stress and, in turn, helps us to live longer. JOKE TIME The...
Greetings Kings and Queens, What is HATE? The definition for HATE is to feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone). I happened to see this article and the astronomical numbers of known hate groups caught my attention. The only one I was familiar with was the most popular group, the...
Greetings Kings and Queens, Tuesday, February 23, 2016 Grumbling, overreacting and stirring up trouble will be your M.O. today. Cooperation becomes difficult as that stubborn streak of yours intensifies, making everyone feel uncomfortable. The question is, do you know what you want, or are you just rebelling? The latter...
Greetings Kings and Queens, Do you remember Ramsey Orta? He was the young man who filmed the live chokehold death of Eric Garner by the NYPD. I remember reading about his story some time ago. Apparently, Ramsey Orta has been being harassed by the NYPD ever since he released...
Greetings Kings and Queens, Sunday, February 21, 2016 Clever Mercury and asteroid Pallas (ruling wisdom), aligned in your sign, reveal your ingenuity and strong problem-solving skills. Don’t be shy about sharing what you know. People are interested in what you have to say because you provide a unique perspective...
Greetings Kings and Queens, The topic of the Black Panthers has seemed to resurface and is trending since Beyonce’s Super Bowl half-time performance. I thought it was a great performance but the backlash I’ve been hearing about the performance has set an alarming tone. This raises the question, Who...
Greetings Kings and Queens, Do you remember what you ate for Super Bowl? Did you have chicken wings or rat wings? This article caught my attention because I am a big fan of chicken wings. Well, apparently customs at the Port of San Francisco seized several illegal containers originating from...
Greetings Kings and Queens, Well, this is certainly an interesting twist on a story. You know the saying, “Momma’s baby, Poppa’s maybe”. Apparently there is a 15-year-old girl, Latifah Smith-Nabengana. that is claiming she has been impregnated by a divine entity. She says she was visited by an “Angel...
Greetings Kings and Queens. Here are some positive vibrations for you to think about today. “Life is not about achieving goals, life is about living, learning, and experiencing. When you wonder’why am I here’ it is to learn to experience to live with love, happiness, and compassion in your heart...